Where to find dolama in shaiya

Highest AoE potential in game. Killer: Have the fastest attack in game, but the lowest base damage of all the physically oriented classess. Good evasion, great accurancy and universal, with debuffs. Solo character that have very hard time finding parties. Hard to play due to chain limitation on skills. Absolutely no AoE potential. Ranged Attacker: High damage and quite low defense.

Only character with non-spell long-range attacks. Have debuffs and damage skills. Is soloing class, and have hard time finding parties. Is, along with ranger, very hard to play, at least at the beginnings. Not advised for NM. Each of those classess is build around a specific theme. Granted that, they have usually very limited builds that can draw their full potential. As modes go up, more builds become useful. Below are advised builds for NM and advised status bonuses from weapons and lapis on which I will talk later.

Attacker: 3str and 2dex! Tank: Originally it was full rec. Since EP5 updated skills, Tank needs dexterity to hit with most of his skills, so 3rec and 2dex would give him high chance to hit, while 4rec and 1dex would give him slightly higher defense but lower chance to hit. Healer: 5wis! Nuker: 5int! Attacker: Craft str , Shrewd dex and Safe rec lapis.

Bonus str, dex and rec. Tank: Safe rec lapis. Bonus rec. Bonus wis and int. Killer: Shrewd dex and Craft str lapis. Bonus dex, str and luc. Bonus int and wis. Ranged Attacker: Fortune luc and Shrewd dex lapis. Bonus luc, dex and str. That is because, there simply is no all-purpose static build for that class in HM.

If you want more information on this class, it is highly suggested to visit this guide for the build information. Attacker: 5str and 2dex! Tank: 7rec! Healer: 7wis! Fire, water, earth and wind. Each element have one weakness and one strong point. Every mob that is of any of those elements is target of that element.

It seems that all mobs attacks unless magic are non-elemental though. Players are non-elemental targets, and their attacks are non-elemental. There are lapis to change that state chapter X. A pretty recent post did change the general opinion on those. Data from it is posted here.

There are two general goals in this game. Being one of the best aka. Many of them need large, coordinated groups and possibly hours before they fall. Alliance of Light: Five Elemental Cave bossess — One of each of the four elements, along with one non-elemental.

Their important loot consists of drop limited by time weapons. They are not worth much, nor do they need large groups of people. Drops legend items of lvl, as well as drop limited by time weapons. Cloron the Dragon — 3day spawn boss, obviously in his cave. Drops unique and goddess weapons around 50lvl. After his death, around the cave, chests are spawned which after being destroyed may drop miscelaneous items not gotten anywhere else, as well as high level legend items or lvl6 debuff lapises.

Worthwile to kill, but needs coordinated, larger groups. Freezing Mirage — Spawned only after maintance weekly spawn in elf form, which changes into dragon after being killed. It drops lvl goddess armors and various high lvl legend armors. Needs large and well coordinated groups, as well as a long time to be killed. After dragon form Freezing Mirage is killed, it opens way to Crypticone Throne dungeon, to which portal is next to the lake.

Both: Kimuraku — 12h spawn boss of D2 dungeon in D-Water. Heavily camped, gives the most sought after item in the whole game. Two elemental lapis. One of them is for armor, and one is for weapon. Deinos the Dream — Spawned during maintance. Weakest boss of Crypticone Throne. Drops lvl56 weapon.

Nantarios — Spawned during maintance. Second boss of Crypticone throne. Drops lvl56 weapon and two lvl50 goddess armor pieces. Belisabeth Eathory — Spawned during maintance. Third boss of Crypticone throne. Drops lvl56 weapon and two lvl51 goddess armor pieces. Parridalis — Spawned during maintance. Fourth boss of Crypticone throne. Drops lvl56 weapon and two lvl52 goddess armor pieces. Alcarian the Flame — Spawned during maintance.

Fifth boss of Crypticone throne. Drops lvl56 weapon and two lvl53 goddess armor pieces. Kirhiross — Spawned during maintance. Sixth boss of Crypticone throne.

Drops lvl56 weapon and two lvl goddess armor pieces. Final boss of Crypticone throne, with two forms. Cryptic One demon form drops nothing, while Cryptic Immortal dragon form drops lvl59 items.

This game is heavily stat based. Level have quite low effect to gear compared to other games. A player being many levels lower can easily kill higher leveled player. That is due to slotted gears and lapis. When a person reaches the top level for his mode, the only ways of getting stronger is through getting higher and more slotted gear, along with better lapising…or getting PvP rank.

Chestpieces can be dropped by Troll bossess in Stable Arde, boots can be dropped by Troll mobs in Stable Arde, bottom armor can be dropped by Scorpion bossess in Deep Desert 1 and gloves may be dropped by Scorpion mobs in Deep Desert 1. HM: Lvl Legend Set is dropped by two bossess. Also, dragon boxes can give legend, high level armors.

Lvl59 weapons are dropped by Cryptic Immortal dragon form of Cryptic One. Each of them is dropped by a different boss. Kirhiross drops any goddess item piece. Only the mobs, not the guards. There are no in-game drops. Accessory Lapis — They are dropped by majority of mobs in Deep Desert 2. Elemental Lapis — Drops normally only from Kimuraku, 12h spawn boss of D2. I play only on AoL, so would like someone to help with UoF quests that does bring a lot of trouble.

Typos: Starving Bears quest is supposed to be Starving Boars. Wherever there is a Bear word, exchange it with a Boar. Otherwise, this quest is fine. For Suspicious Plan quest you have to kill Orc Spirit. He is south from Maitreyan Dungeon, on the top edge of forest. If you still have trouble finding him, stand near to the first Nepenthes going from Mait and look around.

He is close. For the quest saying about getting a rarely dropped Glowing Feather from Harpy Magician, you must kill Harpy Illusionists instead. Locations: Lupers is on the west side of the bridge that is near the tower at which you got the quest.

Dolama and Delano are east of Keolloseu. One is on the island, while the other is on the beach near some rocks. Kaznil can be soloed at 18, and sometimes even at 17 level. He is straigth south from Keolloseu, right in front of the mountain.

He looks like a big Ogre Chief. Cloron Goblins are west of Cloron, in between two rivers. Isprit is east of Cloron on the other hand. DO NOT cancel them. To do so, you may also finish one quest given by a lady under a tree, near the crossroad south of Fedion.

There are four dread quests respectively, 25, 26, 27 and 28lvl. First one, for gloves, is obtained by getting item named Poemas Mandolin from Juliah Dillun.

Second items quest, for boots, is obtained from Sealakel Fighters, and is named Monkey Skull. For pants, third quest, you must get Empty Trunk from Orc Robbers. Fourth quest is initiated from item called Lens Bow, dropped by Priest Dempnun.

Repeatable Favor Quest: These quests give a mini-nos item that boosts two stats for 10min. They never give any experience or gold. Thin Meats are dropped by animals, like Wolves or Bears. The reward is mini-nos boosting str and rec by 3. Witchs Essence is obtained from Harpies and Leopardless. Reward in mini-nos boosting int and wis by 3. The reward is mini-nos boosting dex and luc by 3. Generally though, people get them either from Sealakels on Maelstorm Coast or from Goblins south of it.

They are used at lvl36 for helmet quest again 30 of them. Adamas stones can be obtained from Sealakels at map 3 where I advise leveling since they become yellow. Magic Leather can be obtained from a couple of mobs, but are dropped the most from Karis Wolves. Rillain can be bought from Liquid Medicine Merchant in Keolloseu for around gold in total. Gold Abels are obtained from mobs around starting towns. Mind you that locations are from lights perspective.

Most likely there are equivalents on fury, though. One thing will always be true for all discussions about roles and strategies. They are personal opinions. Those are just guideliness to start with, or…food for though, if you so will. This chapter uses the basic roles classess fit. That said, these instead of meaning a specific class, show a specific role that more than one class can fill, with correct build.

For all these roles, take their names representative as the best example. That said, I seen them as important enough to mention them. They are not to attack at all, but keep everyone healed and clean of debuffs. Killer: Another aggressive role that though, unlike attacker, focuses on as quickly killing single target, with skills that enhance damage if possible.

That said, they must possess some way to defend themselves. Nuker: Magical version of attackers, spamming AoE attacks. Attacks mobs one by one, until kills them. The major difference is that they usually have lesser need for defence or evasion, prefering to not getting into opponents range at all. That said, they have limited single-target attacks.

Solo: First strategy is for the specialised class the one best fit, by the developers opinion. This saves resources. Most use though:. Watch out though. That said, either stop before using it, attack normally or with Rising Crash or go right through him first and then use it. Prolly just effect of lag, not all may see. Also, if you lack only a bit to kill all the mobs after whole chain, you may try using Ground Shock after Wild Wild Dance.

As Attacker: This class is not very effective for attacker builds in NM. First, it have too little stat points to successfully attack many and survive. In HM, there are few ways to keep it. There is no way of saving either with battle-tanks in AoE attacks. Now, why the difference? Slow effect of lvl1 is too short for you to run distance large enough to explain the casting time. With lvl2 you have bonus 2sec, which allow you to gain some distance. Lvl3 gives you 4 such seconds.

Alternatively, if the opponent is weak, you can just cast Ice Ball first and then spam Magic Spot not worrying about opponent closing in. As killer just attack with normal hits and heal when necessery or use Health Assistant , possibly hypnotising opponent to heal and recharge Instant Heal.

Evolution also increases physical damage and hit rate. As Nuker: Impossible until lvl21 when you first get spammable AoE. These two classess are chain-dependant. As they use many debuffs, strategy changes from mob to mob. Levels of Fatal Hit and Stun Crush also change the strategy. Such mobs are too risky to be worth it. Before sitting, cast Stealth that will last long enough for you to fully heal and get into a good position to continue grinding dropping stealth while sitting will make you instantly stand.

Never use Venom Strike or Gruesome Attack on normal field mobs, unless you fight with them for a long time. They have so low HP, that normal attacks are faster dealing with them, while both skills use quite a bit of SP. I do not advice using Fireball, personally. The largest mistake I see from newer players at low levels, is casting Sonic Bolt at long range as opening move. At this levels, not even NM will be killing a green or yellow mob 30 seconds, so you have only one cast of it in battle.

Recast Sustain Doom if needed. Now, why is it at the beginning?! If you are low on defense, start every battle at max range using earth spell to pause mob giving you a bit of time. After that, use spells with opposite element.

When mob is close to you, you can either use Magic Missile, or the instantly casted wind spells. If you are high on defense, players usually drag a bunch of mobs, uses Fire Bush and while kiting, casts spells with low casting times.

If mobs are close to you, and they attack all at once, you can cast every spell with cast time not longer than 1sec without interruption. You can do this by starting to push the spell at the moment the mobs attack you. To make all mobs attack at once, after gathering them, move a bit so that they have to go after you. That should work. You must kite the mobs. Fire Thorns will aid as small, but free damage. Other than that, all you should do is use AoE wind magic, while outside the range of mobs, far enough for Storm to end being casted.

Many spellcasters die because of this. You have only Sleepers Ban in melee, so if you really want to, just attack…. Remember though. This class is really straight-forward, so the only thing that may matter is whether you need to intercept a mob running loose, or not.

If you are main or only damage dealer and there is a tank, leave the mob that runs wild to the tank. If you are more of a support in the damage department, or are self-tank like in duos with healer your priority should depend on the skills of the tank. Defender and Guardian: There are fine guides on the advanced tanking techniques for tanks.

You can find them here and here. As Tank: Gather all the mobs you need, and wait in a spot for a moment you may use Curse Raid for mobs to gather. After they are as close to each other as possible, run in between them and Taunt. Remember that the spot you Taunt at should always be the same. After that use Curse Raid two times it will fail for some surely the first time and cast other debuffs as needed like Darkness Blow and Silence Blow. This is the most basic, and is not so much a strategy as simply spamming AoE.

There is a thing called kiting though, which is very important for strong mobs. Kiting means staying on the move after Taunt, which forces mobs to walk here and there behind you, wasting time they would attack in. In this case, mages may be in the middle of the circle to always have mobs in range. Running in line back and forth is less effective than in circles, but allows mages to be at the max range all the time, making it safe for them, while still giving a bit of kiting advantages.

Stop Blow is used to stop the mobs while tank goes out of their range safely for the time. If a mob runs, use stop blow if you have it, to give time to the main tank for recovering aggro. If the bunch is mixed some caster mobs , and you have a tank, your duo can really make mobs worthless.

When the tank uses Darkness Blow, you may use Silence Blow, blocking all the mobs from attacking in one go, and keeping them so when you change the order. At lvl55 with both Silence Blow and Darkness Blow at lvl3, this really shines.

Priest and Oracle: As Healer: The most basic strategy is to always keep tank in as high healt as you can. When he is close to dying even with normal heals which may be the case when mobs deal more damage than you heal use instant healing. One of them is practically like a bunch of yellows or orange mobs to a defender in itself. You MUST heal as much as possible, as long as your tank does get any more serious damage.

Even if you have a choice of Recovery and potion, use potion. If you have a choice of Recovery or dying…flee. On the other note, if you flee and the mob leaves you alone, you may return and probably will have to use Recovery on the tank.

Also, use dagger, not staff. That means faster heals through less casting time in-between spells. It may be tempting, esp. If he dies not much faster than you heal, then keep it until around half. If for some reason your attack will be slowed, dispel it whatever the cost. Your attack being slowed, means that you heal slower as well, which would be like making the mobs stronger. Even with strong mobs, you will be better off with wasting the time for Dispel than healing while slowed.

As Tank: Unfortunately, I actually never even saw a tanking priest in the process. As Nuker: First of, make sure that the party chooses the right mobs for the job.

Never even try to fight earth mobs if there is any single other element mob out there. Mages love earth, but Battle-Priests right the opposite. Second, you have pretty much no AoE potential till you get Blizzard at lvl Remember that over the course it will be your main means of dealing damage that you can use safely at all mobs.

Fourth, Frozen Ice deals the largest AoE damage of all the spells a priest have. It stops mobs from moving, which with cooperation from the battle-priest and defender may help the latter in surviving.

Mage and Pagan: As Nuker: Depends on the mobs you fight. If you are fighting earth mobs, use only wind. If you are fighting water mobs…you must check what will be more effective. It may vary at different levels, with different builds. Regardless of the mob you kill, if you have the MP to do so, always start the battle with your instant-cast AoE wind spells. On fire mobs, those are more of a MP waste though. For fire mobs, use Meteor Storm. Why the difference?!

Aura of Thorns generates enormous aggro. Also one that damages the mobs. What drawback is there?! None, really. What that have to do?! Fire Bush is a very good skill for tanking mages as well. It also deals fixed damage which is important for no-int or low-int spellcaster. When the mobs get close to you, use Lightning and Turbulence. More damage, and more aggro?!

Why not?! When they are on recharge, what to do?! All that will most likely keep the aggro for far more than needed, and if you have bless, standing still will heal your HP and MP. They are neither better, nor worse. They are different. Less HP, no bonus rec, no shield, lesser armors defense, only one defensive skill.

First is guarding the casters, which is especially important for mobs that love running lose. Second is lessening a bit the damage done to tank by silencing and stunning the mobs. You can also use backspace to cycle between two mobs. This will allow melee character to stay in place without having to run after the mob losing time and attacks.

Archer and Hunter: Technically, the only real worth noted is in party with melee characters, or other ranged attackers. Other than that, fight exactly as you would solo. In other parties though, you take the role of some extra damage.

To be as much helpful as you can, you need all four AoE skills this class have. There are few issues here though. Each weapon have one skill with 20sec recharge and one with sec recharge.

As far as this is viable, probably no party will really care about it. Also, it seems that crits generate more aggro which is only a probability. This means that party may not want you to attack the mobs other than your AoE attacks, or mobs running loose. In party, try to grind on yellow or orange field mobs, or on yellow dungeon mobs. Never grind on blue field mobs, whatever your mode. They have serious penalty to exp given, while they are NOT so much weaker. Never try grinding on red mobs.

Try not to grind on mobs with continuous damage attacks, like orcs with Double Strike or Spiders with Venom, whatever class you are. All mobs have their unique skills. For example, all highly armoured orcs have Pain Excruciator.

Learn those skills and avoid those that have something that is too dangerous. With levels, the skills may be stronger like whether two or three attacks from Pain Excruciator , and some mobs from map 1 get a new skill at higher levels. Watch out for bless. Bless can go away right after you start fighting, and if that mob with no bless is too dangerous, you will risk dying.

Watch out for opponents element. If you have a choice of fighting elemental mob and non-elemental one, choose the non-elemental one.

They always are dealt more damage. This is not true only if you can use element which is stronger than mobs. Armor: Heavy Armor: Usable by tanks and attackers. This armor have the highest defense and life bonus, but low resistance bonus and no mana bonus. Medium Armor: Usable by killer and ranged attacker. This armor have both defense and resistance that is the average of those of both other types.

For example if heavy armor of one level have 16defense and 4 resistance, and robes have 4 defense and 16 resistance, medium armor have around 10 defense and resistance. Robes: Usable by nuker and healer. Weapons: Each weapon except for dagger and staff have exactly one class with mastery in it. I will say which class have it by saying that weapon is such and such classess weapon. Normal attack speed, mediocre damage. Often bonuses are to str and dex. Silverpick Goblin Patroller. Silverpick Goblin Fighter.

Silverpick Goblin Warrior. Silverpick Goblin Sentinel. Silverpick Goblin Priest. Silverpick Goblin Shaman. Siclid Summoner. Siclid Warrior. Siclid Fighter. Siclid Priest. Adeurian Big Stone Golem. Adeurian Small Stone Golem. Adeurian Golem Watcher. Arena Gorge Harpy. Arena Cutting Wind Gorge Harpy. Arena Stronghold Large Lander. Arena Stronghold Small Lander. Aurizen Ruin Beholder. Aurizen Ruin Destroyer. Aurizen Ruin Gargoyle. Aurizen Ruin Guard.

Aurizen Ruin Gigantic Black Puma. Aurizen Ruin Lander. Aurizen Steel Golem. Aurizen Ruin Witch Crafter. Aurizen Ruin Magician. Aurizen Ruin Necromancer. Blooddagger Assasin. Blooddagger Guard. Blooddagger Looter. Flamethrower Goblin. Flamethrower Liche. Futeisys Watcher. Futeisys Guard. Futeisys Low Class Knight. Futeisys High Class Knight. Genetic Alchemist. Genetic Cicubus. Genetik Mutation zombie. Genetik Nightmare.

Genetik Poison Mist Zombie. Genetik Viper. Hecatates Elf Chaser. Hecatates Elf Commander. Hecatates Elf Deputy Commander. Hecatates Elf High Class soldier. Hecatates Elf Lowclass soldier. Hecatates Elf Watcher. Hellfire Soldier. Kalado Gentle Breeze Wind Harpy. Kalado North Easterly Wind. Kalado Tuttaramo. Kalado West Wind Harpy. Kalado Woods Elf. Merudes Archane Fighter.

Merudes Archane Warrior. Merudes Gallus. Metinnis Guard. Metinnis High Class Summoner. Metinnis Sealakel Hunter.

Metinnis Sealakel Priest. Metinnis Sealakel Summoner. Metinnis Sealakel Warrior. Nikelsaw Goblin Hunter. Nikelsaw Goblin Priest. Nikelsaw Goblin Looter. Nikelsaw Goblin Shaman. Nikelsaw Goblin Stone Thrower. Nikelsaw Goblin Warrior. Nikelsaw Goblin Watcher.

Shabel Ikeburn Kobolt Guard. Shabel Ikeburn Kobolt Worker. Sprinter Elf Archer. Sprinter Elf High Class knight. Sprinter Elf Low Class knight. Sprinter Elf Magician. Sprinter Elf Necromancer. Sprinter Elf Ranger. Sprinter Elf Sniper. Sprinter Elf Squad leader. Sprinter Elf Watcher. Vagabon Sealaker Warrior. Wedgerock Kobolt High Class.

Wedgerock Kobolt Low Class. Wedgerock Tatoramo. Wedgerock Trainer. Whittard River Hydra. Whittard Town Ghost. David Boreanz. Disorderly Zunarshirr. Flame Guard Wyvern. Master of the Whittard River. Metennis Guard Spirit. Tamias Kalreion. Zann Phantom Theif. Wild Antelope. Chief Antelope. Rockthorn Antelope. Rough Hair Antelope. Cornwell Forest Big Horn Antelope. Edged Blade Horn Antelope. Windtale Forest Large Brown Bear. Windtale Forest Brown Bear. Cornwell Brown Bear.

Deaf Big Bear. Wild Field Bear. Forest Ranger Brown Bear. Vagabond Big Brown Bear. Windtale Forest Wild Boar. Windtale Forest Large Wild Boar. Rakenose Field Boar. Cloron Guard. Cloron Ogre. Cloron Patroler. Cloron Goblin. Chief Ogre. Ogre Hunter. Ogre Patroler. Dwarf Bandit. Dwarf Sword Fighter. Kerioter Guard. Kerioter Worker. Kerioter Skilled Master. Kerioter Fighter. Kerioter Miner. Bulbuous Eye Fox. Rough Tail Fox. Blood Tear Ground Ghost. Great Tree Haunting Ghost.

Small Ground Ghost. Cloron Evil Spirit. Cloron Ghost. Stonepick Goblin Sword Fighter. Stonepick Goblin Shaman. Stonepick Goblin Chaser.

Stonepick Goblin Sentinel. Leopardess Warrior. Leopardess Chaser. Treeshade Monkey. Small Thief Monkey. Thief Monkey. Grimaxe Orc Fighter. Grimaxe Orc Warrior. Grimaxe Orc Shaman. Cloron Orc Warrior. Cloron Orc Gladiator. Sword Tail Sealakel Fighter.

Sword Tail Sealakel Wizard. Sword Tail Sealakel Sentinel. Sword Tail Sealakel Combatant. Discus Sealakel Summoner. Discus Sealakel Warrior. Discus Sealakel Wizard. Discus Sealakel Hero. Windtail Forest Wood Sprite. Windtail Forest Guard Wood Sprite.

Withered Branch Wood Sprite. Whip Branch Wood Sprite. Peasant Toad. Gigantic Toad. Cornwell Toad. Windtail Forest Little Wolf. Windtail Forest Small Ear Wolf. Windtail Forest Wolf. Chief Group Wolf.

Strong Jaw Group Wolf. Blunt Wolf. Group Wolf Teeth. Cornwell Forest Ghost Wolf. Cornwell Forest Large Ghost Wolf. Blunt Teeth Wolf. Vagabond Zombie. Rusted Poising Zombie. Vicious Ancient Corpse. Sticky Liquid Zombie. Cornwell Forest Zombie. Frost Woods Bison. Frost Woods Antelope. Fedion Antelope. Willieoseu Big Claw Brown Bear. Ridge Red Bear. Maitreyan Brown Bear. Fedion Angryeye Brown Bear.

Frost Woods Wild Boar. Fedion Angry Nose Wild Boar. Frost Woods Golem. Frost Woods Gargoyle. Maitreyan Guard Statue. Crazy Crying Gargoyle. Question Familiar. Fedion Magic Golem. Fedion Golem Trainer. Elaste Gargoyle. Elaste Stone Golem. Elaste Bronze Golem. Blackbeard Fighter.

Blackbeard The First Mate. Blackbeard Shipmaster. Generally, the weather in the mountain area, in the morning, is calm and clear. This is the reason why we should fly to Simikot early morning. Simikot is situated at an altitude of m. The aircraft, we fly from Nepalgunj, can carry only 15 people at a time. We stay overnight in Simikot for acclimatization. Early morning, after breakfast, you will pack up our baggage then trek down to the airport and board on the helicopter.

The helicopter flight from Simikot to Hilsa takes about 25 minutes one way only. So, we try to operate more shuttle flights early in the morning and bring all group members to Hilsa. Since, helicopter has limited capacity to carry, we request you not to carry any unnecessary stuff. We use two helicopters at a time, so we can airlift our group members to Hilsa as soon as possible. After all group members shifted to Hilsa by helicopter, you will cross the border then drive to Taklakot Purang.

As per the visa rule of the Chinese government, all group members should enter together and exit together. So, until and unless all members do not come to Hilsa, no one can cross the border. The drive from Hilsa to Taklakot takes about 45 minutes. The driving distance is about 27 k.

As usual, after having morning meal, we pack our belongings, then board on the vehicle and be ready to move towards Lake Manasarovar.

Right from the beginning, the highway commences making gradual ascend. The road still keeps ascending up to the high pass, that lies before Rakshaslake.

The lake 'Rakshas' represents the devil force. This is where Ravana, 'the mighty King of Lanka', had performed a penance to lord Shiva for years. We will take a brief halt at the shore of lake Rakshash, soak in views and take pictures; then continue our journey towards lake Manasarovar. We check in to the Guesthouse of lake Manasarovar Chiugompa then walk to the lakeshore for having sacred dip and performing pooja.

After pooja, we will have afternoon meal; board on the vehicle then set off for circumambulation around the lake. The entire circumference of the lake is presumably km, and it demands a minimum two hours to accomplish this part of the journey. Overnight guesthouse. Today is the highlighted day of our journey. The most exciting part, sacred circumambulation around Kailash, commences today from Yama Dwara. We should make a brief halt in Darchen because some travel documents obtained from local Police and Army officials as well as we have to make group entry in the region.

From Darchen, it is another half an hour to reach Yama Dwara. Our Yaks, porters and horses are waiting here for us. The Total walk to Deraphuk is for hours but the timing depends on your own pace. The route is quite easy, flat but mild ascend. Due to its extreme elevation, we feel tired while walking and need to have break very frequently.

Overnight at Shisapanga Guesthouse.


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